Māori Gambling Helpline
We have professional Maori counsellors trained to help people who are affected by gambling. Our Kaupapa is to listen and support you and your whanau, in dealing with the effects of problem gambling.
If you feel you may have or have had a gambling problem or you may be affected by someone who gambles, we welcome you to call the service.
We can offer you a range of practical suggestions, and where possible we can put you in touch with support networks in your area.
Our hours of operation - Haora mō ēnei kaupapa
Our free national phone number is available 24/7: 0800 654 656.
We do not have Maori counsellors available all the time, but we can organise a suitable time with you for one of them to call you back and we can transfer you to one if they are available. Just let us know that you wish to speak to one of our Maori team.

Pasifika Gambling Helpline
Vai Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Kia Orana, Malo E Lelei, Taloha Ni, Bula Vinaka, Greetings.
We have experienced counsellors who are trained to work with you around gambling problems. We have counsellors who are part of the Pacific community and have a shared understanding of the Pacific culture.
You may be the person gambling, or you may be a family member or friend concerned about someone else’s gambling. We’re here for all of you.
When you call us, we can:
- Listen to what you are going through
- Explain and share our knowledge about gambling with you
- Provide support and counselling
- Work with you to plan some practical steps to address the gambling
- Assist you to find some ways of safely approaching another person about their gambling
- Arrange to call you back to provide ongoing support
At your request, we can also connect you, where possible, to local and free face-to-face counselling.
Our Hours of Operation
Our free national phone number is available 24/7: 0800 654 657.
We do not have Pacific counsellors available all the time, but we can organise a suitable time with you for one of them to call you back and we can transfer you to one if they are available. Just let us know that you wish to speak to one of our Pacific team.

Debt Gambling Helpline
Our experienced financial counsellors are trained to work with you around gambling problems and gambling debt. We provide specialist gambling debt crisis counselling for gamblers, their partners, family and others.
Our practical programmes include:
- How to do your own budget
- Debt information
- Safe ways of communicating with your creditors
- How to set up a self-monitoring banking system
- Who to contact about legal obligations and rights
At your request we can also connect you, where possible, to local:
- Face-to-face gambling counselling
- Budget services
- Total money management services
- Community services for benefits, legal and consumer issues
Our Hours of Operation
Our services are provided on a free basis regardless of your financial background.
Our free national phone number is available 24/7: 0800 654 658.
We do not have debt counsellors available all the time, but we can organise a suitable time with you for one of them to call you back and we can transfer you to one if they are available. Just let us know that you wish to speak to one of our debt team.

Youth Gambling Helpline
People of all ages can be affected by gambling. At Youth Gambling Helpline we have younger counsellors who can listen to you, and help you talk through any challenges you may be having with your own, or someone else's, gambling.
If you have any questions, or if you want to have a chat, please give us a call on our 24/7 free-phone number 0800 654 659.
We do not have Youth counsellors available all the time, but we can organise a suitable time with you for one of our them to call you back and we can transfer you to one if they are available. Just let us know that you wish to speak to one of our Youth team.